We established the InterDigital Foundation to facilitate and support efforts to build a more sustainable and equitable future, and through this program, we have committed to donating a percentage of our yearly operating income to charitable contributions. In addition to philanthropic donations, InterDigital upholds this mission through employee impact programs, educational initiatives, and other activities.

Charitable Contributions

In 2023, InterDigital donated over $675,000 to a variety of charitable activities around the world, including causes supporting tech education in local communities, Multiple Sclerosis, and diversity campaigns.

InterDigital is committed to supporting organizations and causes within this mission.

Zip Code Wilmington

Zip Code Wilmington, Delaware’s premier non-profit coding school, prepares local students with critical skills to secure competitive jobs in tech. InterDigital’s partnership with Zip Code Wilmington helped launch B1ue N0te, a youth training initiative designed to provide industry-standard computer programming and web development training to high school juniors and seniors throughout Delaware. In recent years, InterDigital has donated more than 70 laptops to Zip code Wilmington’s B1ue N0te program. The laptops will also be used to support training programs that give middle income families an opportunity to learn coding for the first time.

Temple University Scholarship

In 2021, the InterDigital Charitable Foundation established a fellowship at the Temple University Institute on Law, Innovation & Technology (iLIT) in honor of William J. Merritt, InterDigital’s former CEO of more than 16 years. Each year, the Foundation is proud to offer fellowships to two recipients each receiving $20,000 in financial support for tuition and a research stipend. Members of the iLIT faculty and staff will offer mentorship and networking opportunities and help guide research for each recipient.

The fellowship is a core part of our efforts to address inequities and disparities in the design and regulation of tech and encourage more diversity and inclusion in tech innovation. We consider the diversity of candidates and encourage applications from student organizations like the Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (APALSA), Black Law Students Association (BLSA), and Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA), among others.